In a small white room with the curtains drawn
I spend an eternity, silence ringing in my ears
Travelling to places unimaginable to those
Who’s lives are too full to be anything other than mundane
I play hopscotch with Baba Yaga’s house
Rhythmic lurching on chicken legs
Where even Loki watches his step
Rights are left and the wrong become a rite
I meet Mis in the deep deep woods
We compare our fir and feathers
Our fangs and claws
Admiring the wild beauty of one another
I sit cross legged on a round table
Whittling a wand from a branch of Yggdrasil
With the blade of Excalibur
Weaving spells to bring peace to the land
I daub paint on my body
Made from the colours of the Bifröst
My canvas so vibrant and bright
That even Helios shades his eyes
I bathe in Ceridwen’s cauldron
Adding bubbles to the waters
Of the River Styx
And I am reborn