For years I fought Her
Every hour of every day
In a campaign that lasted
Close to a decade
The only casualty of war
Was Me
In a world of false dichotomies
It was win or lose
Lose and be lost
No surrender
So I fought on
On and on and on
Dreams ripped apart
By a raging mind
Sleep fractured by
Curses screamed
Waking aching from
Lashing out
At my invisible enemy
A lifetime blown apart
By rage
Body and Soul locked
In conflict
And then came peace
Sudden and all at once
It took about a year to arrive
Landing as She and I
Sat together
As we always have
Beneath the Birch
The breeze
Breathed a slow acceptance
Into my memory
Understanding arrived
Like the Hawk of the Dawn
From the East
Waking gentleness
Mind bathed in realisation
That there were no factions
No separateness
No Her
No Me
Oneness enveloped us
In our shared suffering
Serenity and compassion
Replaced hostility
Grace finally arrived